Why Aren't You Famous?

(Just Wondering...)

Two musicians try to understand fame.  Are they going to live forever? Will people remember their names?

Filtering by Tag: Columbus

Season 2 Episode 12: American Icons/Columbus OH

Your fearless (and road weary) hosts, ellen cherry and Andrew Grimm meet up with Columbus, OH-based songwriter, Lou Poster (of Driftmouth) to talk about the special kind of madness it takes to see if you can fly a motorcycle over a canyon. Ya know, the same sensation one gets one when one performs the most vulnerable song one ever wrote in front of one's peers.

Season 2 Episode 4: Change/Columbus, OH

Co-hosts ellen cherry and Andrew Grimm find themselves in conversation with songwriter Matt Monta about the topic of change. Why we do it (do we haaaaave toooooo?) and maybe some ways to navigate it. It is after all, the Law of the Universe. Evolution: change or......perish. (Cue dramatic music.)

Episode 5: History

Grimm and cherry tackle the idea of fame in previous history... not their own of course... 'cuz they ain't ever been cool. (Way to reference an ellen cherry song, Grimm!) Featuring formerly-of-Columbus-now-of-Richmond, Matt Monta and his beautiful song about merrrdurrrr and thangs, “Maybe This Time.” Support Matt HERE.

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